Create task
change the username to NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM
The task will now run as SYSTEM user.
The SYSTEM user has full access on the local machine only.
You’re not able to change whether the user is logged on or not because the task will always runs whether a user is logged on or not.
Program / script | ForFiles |
Add arguments (download folder) | /P “C:\sam\download” /D -90 /C “cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE del /F /Q @file” |
/S /P “C:\sam\upload” /D -90 /C “cmd /c del /F /Q @file” |
Change Settings
For Files examples :
# Delete files in root directory and not in subdirectories
ForFiles /P "C:\Temp\forfiles-test" /C "cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE del /F /Q @file"
# Delete files older then 30 days in root directory and not in subdirectories
ForFiles /P "C:\Temp\forfiles-test" /D -30 /C "cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE del /F /Q @file"
# Delete files older then 90 days in root directory and in subdirectories
ForFiles /S /P "C:\sam\download" /D-90 /C "cmd /c del /F /Q @file"
# Find all files in the directory C:\Temp\forfiles-test that are older than 3 days, and does a command on those files.
ForFiles /P "C:\Temp\forfiles-test\test.txt" /M *.* /D -3 /C "cmd /c dir @FILE"
ForFiles /P "C:\Temp\LOGS\" /S /M *.log /D -3 /C "CMD /C del /Q ""@FILE"""qq ~q
ForFiles /S /P C:\Windows\Temp /D -7 /C "cmd /c if @isdir==FALSE del /F /Q @file"