Extend OS disk server 2022 – greyed out

In disk management when you want to extend the OS system partition the extend volume option is greyed out.

This is due to the fact that the recovery partition is “blocking” the ability to extend the extend volume.
This recovery partition is not needed in the server OS so we are gonna delete this partition.

Disk management

To resolve this I’m gonna use the diskpart tool.

Start an elevated command prompt

Type Diskpart en press enter

Type list disk and enter

List disk

Chooce your OS disk, to do this type select disk 0

Now we need to remove the recovery partition.
List the partition to know which one we need to deleten. Type list partition.

Now we gonna use the delete partition 3 override option, then an error will be shown.

To overcome this issue we gonna select the partition and then use the delete command.

So type select partition 3 and enter, then type delete partition 3 override and enter.

The partition is now successfully deleted.

Start disk management.

Rescan disks.

The recovery partition is now deleted.

Go back to diskpart.

Type list partition.

Type select partition. 2

type extend

Type list partition.

Now you see the partition is extended and the correct size is shown.

1 thought on “Extend OS disk server 2022 – greyed out

  1. Angel Arriaga Reply

    aplicamos la solución, como se indica se resolvió el detalle de extender volumen y hasta el momento no se a presentado algún problema con el sistema operativo

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