Windows .MSC shortcuts

Msc FileConsoleDescription
azman.mscAuthorization ManagerManage Authorization Stores
certlm.mscCertificates Local ComputerLoads the list of certificates of the local computer.
certmgr.mscCertificatesLoads the list of certificates of the user
comexp.mscComponent ServicesLoads Component Services, Event Viewer, and Services.
compmgmt.mscComputer ManagementIncludes System Tools (Task Scheduler, Event Viewer, Shared Folders, Local Users and Groups, Performance and Device Manager), Storage (Disk Management), and Services and Applications (Services and WMI Control)
devmgmt.mscDevice ManagerOpens the Device Manager to manage hardware and devices.
diskmgmt.mscDisk ManagementOpens Disk Management to administrate connected storage devices.
eventvwr.mscEvent ViewerOpens the Event Viewer which displays operating system, software, and hardware events.
fsmgmt.mscShared FoldersLoads the list of shared folders, sessions, and open files
gpedit.mscGroup Policy EditorLoads the Group Policy Editor to manage system policies
lusrmgr.mscLocal Users and GroupsInterface to manage local users and user groups.
perfmon.mscPerformance MonitorLoads the Windows Performance Monitor
printmanagement.mscPrint ManagementManage printers.
rsop.mscResultant Set of PoliciesList policies, full results only available through command line tool gpresult
secpol.mscLocal Security PolicyLoads policies such as account policies, public key policies, or advanced audit policy configuration
services.mscServices ManagerLoads the list of installed services to manage them.
taskschd.mscTask SchedulerLoads the Task Scheduler to manage tasks
tpm.mscTrusted Platform Module ManagementManage the TPM on the local device.
wf.mscWindows FirewallStarts Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.
wmimgmt.mscWMI ManagementConfigure and Control the Windows Management Instrumentation Service.

List of Windows Server MMC Files

Msc FileConsole
adfs.mscActive Directory Federation Services
AdRmsAdmin.mscActive Directory Rights Management Services
adsiedit.mscADSI Edit
certim.mscLocal Computer Certificates
certsrv.mscCertification Authority
certtmpl.mscCertification Templates
ciadv.mscIndexing Service
cluadmin.mscFailover Cluster Manager
da6to4.mscNetwork Interfaces Performance Monitor
daihttps.mscHTTPS Traffic Performance Monitor
daipsecdos.mscIPSec Performance Monitor
daisatapmscISATAP Performance Monitor
dfsmgmt.mscDFS Management
dhcpmgmt.mscDHCP Management
dnsmgmt.mscDNS Manager
domain.mscActive Directory Domains and Trust
dsa.mscActive Directory Users and Computers.
dssite.mscActive Directory Sites and Services
fsrm.mscFile Server Resource Manager
fxsadmin.mscMicrosoft Fax Service Manager
gpmc.mscGroup Policy Management
gpme.mscGroup Policy Mangement Editor
gptedit.mscGroup Policy Starter GPO Editor
hcscfg.mscHealth Registration Authority
idmumgmt.mscMicrosoft Identity Management for Unix
iis.mscInternet Information Services Manager
iis6.mscInternet Information Services Manager 6.0
lsdiag.mscRD Licensing Diagnoser
napclcfg.mscNAP Client Configuration
mfsmgmt.mscServices for Network File System
nps.mscNetwork Policy Server
ocsp.mscOnline Responder
pkiview.mscEnterprise PKI
remoteprograms.mscRemoteApp Manager
rrasmgmt.mscRouting and Remote Access
sanmmc.mscStorage Manager for SANs
sbmgr.mscRemote Desktop Connection Manager
scanmanagement.mscScan Management
servermanager.mscServer Manager
storagemgmt.mscShare and Storage Management
storexpl.mscStorage Explorer
tsadmin.mscRemote Desktop Services Manager
tsconfig.mscRemote Desktop Session Host Configuration
tsgateway.mscRD Gateway Manager
tsmmc.mscRemote Desktops
virtmgmt.mscHyper-V Manager
wbadmin.mscWindows Server Backup
Wdsmgmt-mscWindows Deployment Services
wbiadmin.mscWindows Server Backup
wsrm.mscWindows System Resource Manager
wsus.mscUpdate Services

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