Create Windows USB bootstick

1. Start an administrative command prompt
2. Type “diskpart” and press Enter
3. Type all the following commands and press Enter after each command to execute them one by one.

  • list disk
  • select disk x (x is the number of your USB flash drive)
  • clean
  • create partition primary
  • select partition 1
  • format fs=ntfs quick  (or format fs=fat32 quick)
  • active

4. Type “exit” and press Enter. The diskpart command will close.

Now the USB drive is bootable, do not close the Command Prompt.

Mount the Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019 ISO.

5. In the command prompt window Type “xcopy X:\*.* E: /s/e/f” (Where X: needs to be replaced with the drive letter of the ISO image drive and drive E: is the USB drive letter and press Enter.

6. Type “X:\Boot\Bootsect /NT60 E: /force /mbr” to write the bootloader to your USB drive.

Now you can install Windows Server 10 or Windows 2019 to your PC.

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